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Updated over 4 months ago

Your responsibility as a Karmo customer

If you travel on toll roads whilst in a Karmo vehicle, you are responsible for paying for the tolls. You must have a toll tag or e-Tag fitted to your vehicle that is linked to your toll account and with sufficient balances to pay for your toll expenses.

If toll charges are routed to Karmo due to insufficient balances or the absence of an e-Tag linked to your account, further administration fees will apply on top of recovery by Karmo of the actual costs.

Opening a toll account

You can use a Linkt vehicle e-Tag for toll roads in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

To do so:

It is important you select the ‘Open a Tag Account’ option to reduce any risks of toll charges still being routed to Karmo and administration fees being incurred on your subscription.

Administration fees if you do not have an e-Tag

If you travel on a toll road and do not have a toll tag fitted to your Karmo vehicle, you will incur a toll administration fee per toll notice. This will be automatically applied to your next scheduled payment after Karmo receives the toll notice. If Karmo receives the toll notice after your subscription has been completed, you will receive a notification with next steps.

The toll administration fee is $5.00 per toll notice.

Example Scenario - with a toll account

Anthony is dropping a family member off at the Airport in Brisbane.

He uses the Gateway Motorway and incurs a $5.63 fee each way.

Because he has his own toll account and toll tag fitted to his Karmo vehicle has sufficient balance, he is charged instantly via Linkt. There are no additional fees to pay.

Total cost for two trips with tolls: $11.26

Example Scenario - without a toll account

Anthony is dropping a family member off at the Airport in Brisbane.

He uses the Gateway Motorway and incurs a $5.63 fee each way.

Because he does not have a toll account or a toll tag fitted to his Karmo vehicle, he incurs the additional fees:

  • Linkt Video Matching Fee - $0.60 each way

  • Karmo Administration Processing Fee - $5.00 each way

Total cost for two trips plus fees: $22.46

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