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KM Allowance
Updated over 2 months ago

Your subscription will include a Weekly Kilometre Allowance (also referred to as a mileage allowance). Our weekly allowances are generous, and most customers can drive without needing to worry about exceeding these limits.

Like a smart meter for your home electricity, Karmo keeps track of your weekly kilometres driven, by remotely syncing with your car's onboard computer system.

Exceeding the Weekly KM Allowance

Subscription Customers

For subscription customers, think of your Weekly Kilometre Allowance like data in a prepaid phone plan. Each week, you are entitled to drive freely within your Weekly Kilometre Allowance. If you don’t use all of your allowed kilometres, then they are stored in your KM Bank for you to use in the future.

If you exceed your Weekly Kilometre Allowance one week, the excess KM you have driven will be deducted from your KM Bank. Once the KM bank is empty, you will be charged for each excess KM travelled. The applicable charge rate is outlined in your Subscription Agreement.

The Excess KM charge will be added to your next weekly subscription payment, only if you accumulate $50.00 or more in excess mileage charges.

Refunds for Excess KM Fees (Subscription Only)

When you return your vehicle, we will calculate your Total KM Allowance across the lifetime of your subscription and your actual kilometres travelled. If your actual kilometres travelled falls within your Total KM Allowance, you will be refunded the excess payments.

Total KM Allowance = Weekly KM Allowance * subscription duration (weeks).

A 12 week subscription with a 385 KM Weekly KM Allowance has a Total KM Allowance of 4,620 KM.

Rideshare Customers

The maximum Weekly Kilometre Allowance plan available for rideshare customers is 1,500 KM. Each week, you are entitled to drive freely within your Weekly Kilometre Allowance. If you exceed the Weekly Kilometre allowance, you will be charged for each excess KM travelled. The applicable charge rate is outlined in your Subscription Agreement.

The KM Bank and Refunds for Excess KM Fees is not applicable to rideshare customers.

Excess KM Fee Notifications

If you have incurred excess KM fees, you will receive a notification prior to your next weekly payment.

If we notice that you consistently exceed the Weekly Kilometre Allowance, we may need to discuss this with you. In such cases, we may request the vehicle to be returned or initiate a contract renegotiation to find a solution that best fits your needs.

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